Here you have the answers to the the most frequent questions
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I made a reservation on a hotel website but I received an invitation by by email to write a review. Why?
If you received this invitation it is because you kindly accepted to respond to a questionnaire managed by about your stay in the hotel. This authorisation does not include any other emails
How can I send a hotel review?
Search and find the hotel. You will see the link to "Write a review".
What CANNOT I include when I send a review?
You cannot give your opinion of a hotel in which you have not stayed or describe a criminal event/fact. You cannot refer to unrelated facts or use offensive or obscene language
I sent a review but it has not been published. Why?
It is probably that we believe that your review does not fulfil the conditions for publication. In order to maintain the quality and authenticity of we reserve the right not to publish any material which we consider as inappropriate
I made a reservation on a hotel website but I received an invitation by by email to write a review. Why?
Hotel details
Why do only some of the hotels display their prices and can be reserved?
Maybe the hotel has no vacancies for the dates selected or maybe we do not have access to this information. We recommend that you directly contact the hotel in question. The contact details that has access to will appear by clicking on the name of the hotel in the search results under the section "General Information".
I am trying to find out a specific piece of information which is not included in the information published about the hotel. How can I obtain it?
Our objective is to publish as much information as possible about the hotels, however, if we do not have access to specific details, we recommend that you contact the hotel directly and ask them. The contact details that has access to will appear by clicking on the name of the hotel in the search results under the section "General Information"
I am the owner of a hotel which appears in HotelSearch but the information published is incorrect. Can I correct it?
Yes. Send us an email to Contact form with your contact details and what you need to correct or add.
Why do only some of the hotels display their prices and can be reserved?
What is the difference between a double room and a twin room?
Twin rooms have two single beds and double rooms usually have one double bed.
What is a double room for single use?
It is a double rooms occupied by one person.
What is the difference between a double room and a twin room?
What does the price include?
Taxes are included. The type of board is clearly indicated when making the reservation. Any other cost incurred in the hotel will be paid directly to the hotel.
Are the prices per room or per person?
Per room. Depending on the type of rooms they may be occupied by a different number of people
Will I pay any extra charge for reserving via
HotelSearch does not charge administration costs or any other charge other than the price provided by the hotel.
Does the price include breakfast?
It depends on the hotel and the rate. In each case the type of board will be clearly indicated.
Does the Price include taxes?
What does the price include?
Credit cards
Can I make a reservation through without a credit card?
In order to guarantee the room a credit card is necessary in all cases.
Why do I have to enter my credit card details?
It is the way in which we guarantee your reservation and ensure that the hotel provides the room.
Why has a hotel charged my credit card?
The hotel (and only the hotel) may charge your credit card in accordance with the conditions clearly specified in "Cancellation Policy". When you make your reservation you are informed of these conditions.
It is safe to enter my credit card details?
Completely safe. The details are sent in encrypted form through Thawte. Not even the employees have access to this information. Thousands of reservations processed with no incidences serve as a guarantee of the safety of the transaction.
I have changed my credit card and the one I used is no longer valid. What should I do?
You can contact the hotel directly via phone or email. The contact details that has access to will appear by clicking on the name of the hotel in the search results under the section "General Information"
Is the reservation guaranteed once I have entered my credit card details
The hotel needs your credit card details in order to guarantee the reservation in the case of a cancellation outside the specified limit or if the guest does not turn up. The hotel may charge a small amount in order to confirm its validity or liquidity
Can I make a reservation through without a credit card?
Reservation Process
Can I make a reservation by phone?
Not through Call the hotel directly to consult them. The contact details that has access to will appear by clicking on the name of the hotel in the search results under the section "General Information"
I have a special request, How do I make it? (views, separate beds, etc")
Indicate it in "comments" when you make your reservation. Take into account that special requests are not binding or guaranteed
Can I make a reservation by phone?
How will I know if my reservation has been confirmed?
When you make your reservation we will display a confirmation screen with the reservation code and the password for consultation or cancellation. Keep them both for subsequent confirmations or in the case where you need to cancel the reservation. You will also receive confirmation via email.
I have completed the reservation process but I have not received confirmation. Why?
You could try checking your junk/spam in trays of your email account. You can also visualize it through Cancel Reservation with your reservation code and consultation or cancellation password. If you need any additional help, contact us via email.
How will I know if my reservation has been confirmed?
When I enter my credit card details, when will I pay?
The hotel will charge your card once you are in the hotel, except in those cases where it is otherwise specified in "Cancellation Policy" (which appears during the reservation process and in the email confirming your reservation). does not charge any amount to the card provided by the client as a reservation guarantee. The hotel reserves the right to confirm the validity of the credit card before your arrival
Will I be charged for anything in advance?
Usually payment is made directly in the hotel. In the case where the hotel charges in advance you will be informed in the section "Cancellation Policy" (which appears during the reservation process and in the email confirming your reservation). Remember that the hotel reserves the right to confirm the validity of the credit card before your arrival
May I pay the hotel bill with a different credit card to the one I used to make the reservation?
The hotels usually accept different credit cards and cash. In any case, it is always recommended that you confirm this. The contact details that has access to will appear by clicking on the name of the hotel in the search results under the section "General Information"
When I enter my credit card details, when will I pay?
Modification and cancellation of reservations
How do I cancel my reservation?
Instructions will appear In the confirmation of the reservation. Go to Cancel Reservation. You will need the reservation code and cancellation/consultation password which you were sent with the conformation and only you possess.
Until when can I cancel my reservation? Will I be penalised?
It depends on the hotel and the rate. This is clearly indicated in the "Cancellation Policy". You will see it in the reservation process and confirmation email
How can I find out the cancellation policy of a hotel?
You will be informed of it when you request availability and prices for a hotel and during the reservation process.
How do I modify my reservation?
It is not possible to modify reservations. Simply cancel and make another one. Firstly ensure that there is availability and that you can cancel with no charge
How do I cancel my reservation?
Take a look in the FAQ section before contacting us. The information you need may be there.
If you want to cancel your reservation, you can do it online using the "Cancel reservation" option.
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